Strange Crosses

Unusual markings, logos and symbols around the city
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Post by wsmith »

This is screwed into the floor of the Parish Church, a brass cross. Obviously it's not that odd to find a cross in a church, but this has been cut into a memorial stone, interupting the lettering on there. It is not orientated to edge of the stone slabs or to the lines of the building (the top of the cross is pointing roughly South West). It is roughly, but not quite, in the centre of the building.Does anyone have any suggestions as to why it might be there?
IMG_0033.jpg (28.62 KiB) Viewed 4584 times

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Post by wsmith »

...& this is in the Churchyard at St John's... a slightly necromantic looking symbol on a cross, though I might well get into trouble for saying so!
IMG_0028.jpg (48.17 KiB) Viewed 4584 times

Leeds Lass
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Post by Leeds Lass »

The latter looks like part of a pentacle that wasn't finished properly! (A pentacle isn't anything to do with Satanism, it's Wiccan, the 5 points on a pentacle are representative of air, earth, water, fire and spirit and the circle round is symbolic of protection, for those who don't know. The Satanist symbol arises when it is turned upside down to represent the goat. Sorry for the useless info session there!!!). :-)Have never seen this symbol before and would be fascinated to know what it is. A thought just occurred to me, maybe it's some sort of Masonic symbol?The cross embedded in the gravestone is also strange. Like a later addition, but not very thoughtfully placed?!!

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Post by gothic »

i've find resarching and found this and it say thet seal belongs to St. Ebbe Lodge which is a masomic lodge based in scotland. But that raises another question why was a pesron beloning to a scotish lodge burried in Leeds??
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Post by Foustace »

hey im new and ive always been really into this kind of stuff. I go for walks in bramley woods quite alot (trim trail) and i pass this strange symbol alotif you actually see it for real, it looks like the base was originally a solid stone square, sorta like an altar of sorts. It is placed between two large trees and two small hills... well actually they arn't even hills they are sort of just little piles of dirt, about 10 ft long and about 5ft high. Anyways the hills/dirt piles arn't important im just really curious of what it is. I'm really into symbols but i can't pin point this one exactly the closest i can get to it is a satanism symbol and a christian symbol, which still look quite similar but arn't the exact same... I'm rambling...yeah...

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Post by Foustace »

hey i asked a wiccan i met over myspace about that picture, turns out it represents earth and the corners of the square repressent north south east and west. So i checked the directions of the corners and they pointed perfectly in those directions! haha how about that? i thought it was pretty cool...

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Post by Rombald »

wsmith wrote: ...& this is in the Churchyard at St John's... a slightly necromantic looking symbol on a cross, though I might well get into trouble for saying so! This one has always caught my eye. My first assumption was that it is Masonic, or at least an icon of Christian symbolism - an experssion of the trinity (the triangle) in unity (the circle).I found a nice picture of its use in a stained glass window, along with the Vesica Piscis and the dove (implying the hexagram/Star of David). [url] ... c1.jpg[url](it's a large picture, so I didn't link directly)

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Post by munki »

I have shrunk the picture so that it fits on the site, if that is OK with you. I will take it off if you want me to.Is the staned glass in St John's, or is it from another church?
symbols_pic1.jpg (463.85 KiB) Viewed 4584 times
'Are we surprised that men perish, when monuments themselves decay? For death comes even to stones and the names they bear.' - Ausonius.

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Post by Rombald »

munki wrote: Is the staned glass in St John's, or is it from another church? It's actually from an American church built in 1906 (roughly contemporary with the stone in question?), although I'm sure that I could probably dig up examples closer to home.

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