Legs in City Square.

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Re: Legs in City Square.

Post by dogduke »

Thanks Tilly,like most blokes,I have realised that there
are some things you don't mention to the wife.
The sanctions can be many and long lasting and sometimes end up being expensive.
Careless talk costs money as Churchill might have said.
Consciousness: That annoying time between naps.90% of being smart is knowing what you're dumb at.

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Joined: Tue 26 Jan, 2016 11:57 am

Re: Legs in City Square.

Post by volvojack »

Have been reading in my morning paper that a former Disc Jockey Simon Hirst has now changed into a Women and be known as Stephanie Hirst. She will be taking up a Mid Morning position in the future on B.B.C.Radio Leeds.
It occured to me that maybe these Legs are part of her Apparatus being delivered just as during the Second World War The RAF. Officer Douglas Bader had false Legs delivered into Germany when he was Shot Down.
Good Luck to her,
I understand that her earlier programmes were very popular around Yorks but if she does as well as James Whale, Simon Peters, Liz Green or Martin Keiner that will be all right

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