Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

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Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by Croggy1 »

I heard a story the other day and can't find any information about it.

Does anyone (especially ex ROF/Vickers employees) know about this one?

Apparently around 30 years ago or maybe back to 1980, a few people were murdered and the bodies (wrapped in sleeping bags) buried on land surrounding the factory. One of the victims may have been called David ... but that is all I know.

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Re: Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by j.c.d. »

My sister has lived in Crossgates for over 50 years with her husband Frank who worked at Barnbow for many years and they say they have never heard of anything like that. I feel sure it would not have just made the Yorks. Post but the Nationals. we shall see.

(Frank did mention it could have been Union men sleeping on the job when I mentioned the sleeping bags)

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Re: Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by Croggy1 »

Lol thanks, I know, I can't believe I hadn't 1. Heard of this before and 2. can't find any news reports etc.

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Re: Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by raveydavey »

I've lived in East Leeds all my life and I can't recall ever hearing anything about this either.

1980 would put it around the time when the Ripper was at large, so it seems unlikely that any murders in the area wouldn't get blanket coverage..?
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Re: Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by tyke bhoy »

raveydavey wrote: so it seems unlikely that any murders in the area wouldn't get blanket coverage..?
Should you not have excused the pun ;)

In all seriousness though I agree with Ravey and others that it would have had enough coverage to have
  1. triggered a memory in several site users
  2. left an imprint such that it would have come up in internet searches
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Re: Barnbow and the 'sleeping bag' murders

Post by Stree »

Old thread I know, but yes, rings a bell................something to do with rival biker gangs, Garforth home of murderer I think................I do vaguely remember it ( Ex Marshall st resident myself )

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