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Moon and Jupiter.

Posted: Sun 07 May, 2017 10:02 pm
by Leodian
For anyone interested in such things in the clear sky just now (22:00 BST) the very bright object by the Moon is the planet Jupiter. The pair will remain very close the rest of the night.

Edit added about 22:30. The view is now being spoilt by clouds coming across. Shame. Still worth looking though just in case the clouds thin.

Re: Moon and Jupiter.

Posted: Tue 09 May, 2017 2:37 pm
by warringtonrhino
In Warrington ,the sky was clear all night, so I had a good view, Sunday night was one to remember for other reasons.
In our garden we have a family of hedgehogs, a female with 4 hoglets and occasionally a visiting male. When weather permits, I often sit in the garden after 10pm and watch them, sometimes for several hours. We have seats in various locations in the garden, and to keep warm,and quiet, I wear a hood. Everything was fine, the moon was out and the garden was quiet, until 1 am. When a police helicopter came into our area, and started circling overhead, I had not committed any crime that day :D , so assumed that they were looking for someone else. However the police on the ground called at the house, because a suspect wearing a hood and keeping very still , had been spotted in our garden. The police woman tried to keep a straight face while I explained what I was doing, an eliminated me from the hunt.

Re: Moon and Jupiter.

Posted: Tue 09 May, 2017 2:43 pm
by buffaloskinner
The Laws of Nature eh !! :lol:

Re: Moon and Jupiter.

Posted: Tue 09 May, 2017 6:50 pm
by Leodian
Hi WR ;).

The close (visually!) pairing was a wonderful sight. Good job it was not Uranus as that might have caused a problem stating to the police woman what you were looking at ;).

Nice to hear of the hedgehogs. I've not seen a live one in years and it's been quite some while now since I saw dead one, which may indicate that their numbers are sadly still falling.

Re: Moon and Jupiter.

Posted: Tue 09 May, 2017 7:33 pm
by tilly
I saw a dead one on Sunday its the first one i have spotted in a long time.From Jupiter to hedgehogs wow Leodian you made me laugh.