Why are posts being removed? Who is editing this forum and why?

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Joined: Fri 26 Jan, 2007 8:21 am

Post by dsco »

It's a pity you can't provide any specifics of the threads/posts in question, or else we might have been able to do more about it. As for it being some sort of Deus Ex Machina, I think that's unlikely. Quote: I might have made some comments in the past asking who's moderating the forum or jokingly referred to a clique, but I've never used the word 'vendetta'. All I'm saying is its a bit of a funny carry on... I've let this slide on a number of occasions now, but the next time you raise this sort of complaint could you please leave out the unpleasant accusations about cliques, censorship, and how you've been victimised in one way or another? The moderators and myself do our best to be fair and even-handed in all matters and suggesting otherwise is both inaccurate and hurtful. And please don't attempt to excuse your behaviour by saying it's a joke or good humoured. It isn't, and is not interpreted as such by other site users.Some of your previous posts on the subject for your reference. Quote: Hmm, another thread I've written that get boycotted by everyone. I think the comment that was raised about this forum been a clique is probably correct. Forget it. http://www.secretleeds.com/forum/Messag ... e=0&#77333 Quote: I wouldnt worry about it, happens to me all the time cos I'm not part of this 'clique'! http://www.secretleeds.com/forum/Messag ... e=0&#77607
Contact me via ask@tyrell.mobi if you have any questions or comments about the site.

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