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Posted: Mon 02 Apr, 2007 12:45 pm
by Phill_d
Here's another pub mystery i want to solve. Where the old Roscoe used to stand a memorial plaque was placed commerating 'A much missed pub' or similar words. It's been well documented in several articles, Barrie Pepper & the Y.E.P ran a story several years ago showing the old regulars stood at the spot supping ale @ 11 in the morning every year when it closed. The place is now on a roundabout at the bottom on Chap road/Sheepscar interchange i've looked high & low for it. Has it been piched or removed.... I'd be gratefull for any help.

Posted: Fri 20 Apr, 2007 1:39 am
by Aeldfrith
Why not contact Leeds CAMRA, they placed the plaque and may be able to help you.

Posted: Fri 20 Apr, 2007 10:06 am
by Phill_d
Yeah good suggestion. I think i've looked 5 times in total. The article Barrie Pepper wrote about it was what a pointless waste of a good pub as it was knocked down for a bit of the carriageway that never got built. He said the plaque was still on wasteland so i reckon it must have been built on since. I'll ask Camra tho. Cheers.

Posted: Fri 20 Apr, 2007 11:41 pm
by raveydavey
I could be wrong, but I think the actual plaque is somewhere in one of the the central reservations.I can recall a pic in the YEP featuring several blokes stood between armco barriers with pints in hands

Posted: Sat 21 Apr, 2007 10:26 am
by Phill_d
Bang on Dave. I've seen the same pic. I've seriously looked a fool on 5 occasions searching for it. Central reservations....The lot! Nothing to be seen :-(

Posted: Sun 20 Jan, 2008 11:09 pm
by ton
Hi Did you find the plaque because I'm fairly sure my Dad laid it so he would know where it is if you want me to ask him.

Posted: Mon 28 Apr, 2008 8:10 pm
by LS1
Following my post on the other thread about the Skulls:After speaking to Barrie Pepper, it would seem that there are two plaques that were made, after some planning issues were raised about placing them in the middle of the Sheepscar Interchange!He told me that a guy involved with this is now in London but he is hot on his trail to find out what happened to the other one, and will let me know in due course!Also suggested going for a pint with him up you guys are up for it?

Posted: Mon 28 Apr, 2008 8:12 pm
by Phill_d
I love all this treasure hunt stuff we come up with lol well done Lee!! Can someone find me a model of that Albion pub I've been looking for while were at it?

Posted: Tue 29 Apr, 2008 9:08 am
by Si
Phill - did you try getting in touch with Superquick, the makers? They have a website, but the Albion is missing from their catalogue. I built one in the early 70s. A very close copy of the original, except the back was simplified. It even had the old yellow Tetley's signs.

Posted: Tue 29 Apr, 2008 9:20 am
by Phill_d
I don't think I ever found out who the makers were Si. Is that the guys then 'superquick'? I'll get in touch with them if it is. I can't remember who sent me these pictures, but they appear to be a 'rough version' inferior model of the Albion. Some of the detail is correct, but no way a perfect match. I think the one you had was pretty detailed from what I've heard it was like. Plenty of people have told me they had one.This is the best I've seen so far.