Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

As they are a bit different to those taken by tigerman I hope these photos are welcome and not considered a bit pointless posting them. By coincidence I took them today (Sept 24 2015) before I knew of tigerman's photos.

The first is a general view of the Leeds Station Southern Entrance (LSSE) site that includes the very tall crane. It was nice weather when taken just before 11:30 a.m., so it missed the short but very heavy spell of rain in the centre of Leeds about 40 minutes or so later! The second shows some men working under the structure and the third is a zoomed-in view of those men.
General view of the LSSE site (Taken Sept 24 2015).
General view of the LSSE site (Taken Sept 24 2015).
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Men at work under the LSSE site (taken Sept 24 2015).
Men at work under the LSSE site (taken Sept 24 2015).
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Men at work under the LSSE site (taken Sept 24 2015).
Men at work under the LSSE site (taken Sept 24 2015).
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uncle mick
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by uncle mick »

BTW Leodian I only put tigermans & others photos on here because I think Skyscraper City hosts better photos than Secret Leeds

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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

These are a couple of photos I took on October 1 2015. The second is a zoomed-in view of the 'gold' feature and the first is a general view of the LSSE work. There sure is a lot of scaffolding :!:
General view of the LSSE work (taken Oct 1 2015).
General view of the LSSE work (taken Oct 1 2015).
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Zoomed-in view of the 'gold' feature at the LSSE work (taken Oct 1 2015).
Zoomed-in view of the 'gold' feature at the LSSE work (taken Oct 1 2015).
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

I posted a photo on February 25 2014 that I took that day at the LSSE site. In my post I also commented that in that photo some eroded looking ground is seen at the side of the river on the left bank (looking up river). After enlarging that image I then posted a close-up of the eroded area on February 26. It has looked the same since until when I was there on October 1 2015 I noticed that soil was being placed over that area, presumably to make it look better, so took this photo. I cannot be sure, but it does not look like any strengthening of the area was done. I've also noticed the odd (interesting?) shaped block just to the right and down of the white bag. It looks as if it could have been made that way, but if so why?
Soil being placed over the eroded looking area (taken Oct 1 2015).
Soil being placed over the eroded looking area (taken Oct 1 2015).
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uncle mick
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by uncle mick »

Photos from Oreodytes who lives in the flats near the entrance, some shots from above

http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showpost. ... count=1837

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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by BLAKEY »

While the new entrance is undeniably a much needed and long overdue facility, I still feel that it is what Prince Charles would describe as a "carbunkle" on the area - if I lived in any of the closely adjacent apartments I would be decidedly miffed. :shock: :shock: :( :(
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

These are a couple of photos that I took at the LSSE site on October 22 2015. The first shows the external look of the LSSE is very obvious now. The second shows some of the 'gold' structures that I saw just arriving by barge, presumably ready to be fitted on the LSSE.
View of the LSSE taken Oct 22 2015.
View of the LSSE taken Oct 22 2015.
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Some 'gold' fittings for the LSSE just  delivered by barge (taken Oct 22 2015).
Some 'gold' fittings for the LSSE just delivered by barge (taken Oct 22 2015).
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

These are a couple of photos (reduced in quality and size) that I took of the LSSE work on November 5 2015. The first shows a front view in which the almost finished external look is seen but the second is a side view that shows there is still work going on.

Hopefully the current 'problem' that some older photos are no longer shown will be resolved, as it will be a shame if the photographic record of the LSSE work in this thread will be permanently lost.
LSSE view on November 5 2015.
LSSE view on November 5 2015.
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LSSE view on November 5 2015.
LSSE view on November 5 2015.
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by Leodian »

These are 3 photos I took today (Nov 23 2015) at the LSSE area. The first is from the Granary Wharf side while holding my camera right up against a small opening on the security fence. It's the first view I've had to really see some of that part and shows what will presumably be steps to get in and from the LSSE. The second is a view from the Little Neville Street end (through another small opening!) that also shows some of the site that I've not really seen before. The third is from Neville Street and shows a very recently installed metal shutter at the end there of the minor access road that runs from Neville Street to Little Neville Street (a similar shutter has also just been installed at the Little Neville Street end of that minor road).
LSSE site work from Granary Wharf side (taken Nov 23 2015).
LSSE site work from Granary Wharf side (taken Nov 23 2015).
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LSSE work from Little Neville Street (taken Nov 23 2015).
LSSE work from Little Neville Street (taken Nov 23 2015).
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View from Neville Street showing the new metal shutter (taken Nov 23 2015).
View from Neville Street showing the new metal shutter (taken Nov 23 2015).
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A rainbow is a ribbon that Nature puts on when she washes her hair.

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uncle mick
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Re: Leeds Station southern entrance plans approved

Post by uncle mick »

A time lapse film, at the back end of the film ( 1.39 mins in) it shows the escalator's been installed

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