St Mary's Hospital - Armley

Bunkers, shelters and other buildings
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Post by sri130 »

After a few people mentioned they were born there (on the Highroyds thread) I thought I should open up something for St Mary's.I worked there for about 5 years and still drop in, every now and again as part of my role in the health service in Leeds.One of the old workers in the child health department has done loads of reserach on the site and she has long since retired, but I'm attempting to help getting it recognised to the wider public, possibly starting on here.It was originally built as a workhouse for the poor, before being fitted as a maternity hospital - so I am lead to believe. I'm not sure there is anyone old enough to remember that far back! but the chimney stack in the centre car park is still standing from those days.Any memories? I'll post up some more, as soon as I can get it.

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Post by Chrism »

I was born there 15 jan 1958, my eldest daughter was too 2 may 1978. My mum was, 24 april 1937. If I remember anymore I'll post 'em.    
Sit thissen dahn an' tell us abaht it.

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Post by skippy »

hi to all i was born there in april 1943 my mum told me about it being an old workhouse would be interested in anymore info. also my daughter was born there in feb.1971
brenda littlejohn

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Post by pooh1982 »

My dad was born there in 1957

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Post by Chrism »

I've just been informed that most of my family was born there, mum, dad, 7 uncles, 18 cousins, 3 aunties, one of my daughters, and probably some more my mum can't remember.
Sit thissen dahn an' tell us abaht it.

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Post by rainone »

I was born there in 1958, but understandably, have no memories.

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Post by mutikonka »

I grew up in the area in the 60s and 70s (near the Ven Bede) - haven't been back since. I remember the cemetery, then St Marys hospital, an ambulance station and then the pub on top of the hill, opposite the "rec" (and then down to West Leeds High School). Not sure how much of that is still there.I don't have any memories of St Mary's even though I went past it almost every day - it was off limits and the parents never mentioned what went on there!    

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Post by stevief »

sri130 wrote: After a few people mentioned they were born there (on the Highroyds thread) I thought I should open up something for St Mary's.I worked there for about 5 years and still drop in, every now and again as part of my role in the health service in Leeds.One of the old workers in the child health department has done loads of reserach on the site and she has long since retired, but I'm attempting to help getting it recognised to the wider public, possibly starting on here.It was originally built as a workhouse for the poor, before being fitted as a maternity hospital - so I am lead to believe. I'm not sure there is anyone old enough to remember that far back! but the chimney stack in the centre car park is still standing from those days.Any memories? I'll post up some more, as soon as I can get it. St Marys Hospital chimney with my compliments.Note the white cross at the top.    
__TFMF_domdm255e4ggpa45vx53b045_a6e709bf-ce7c-435b-b2ec-ef971a389ce5_0_main.jpg (24.82 KiB) Viewed 10049 times

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Post by SandraB »

I was born there in 1953 and was still in hospital with my mother when Elizabeth II was crowned on 2 June. In commemoration all the babies were presented with a silver spoon which I still have. I now live just around the corner.

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Post by weenie »

My sisters was born there 1972, 1975, it had just closed as a maternity hopsital when i was born in 1979.

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